Louis Vuitton handbags have always been pretty expensive, even if they’re pre-owned. But with a little bit of research, you can find some reasonably priced LV handbags that are either brand new or still in great condition, for excellent prices.Louis Vuitton. Monogram Papillon Trunk. Est. Retail $2,910.00. $2,000.00. Louis Vuitton. Monogram Sac Souple 55. Est. Retail $2,170.00. $625.00. Now 10% off - $562.50. Louis Vuitton. Epi Grenelle MM. $1,525.00. Now 10% off - $1,372.50. Louis Vuitton. Monogram Empreinte Speedy Bandouliere 25. Est. Retail $2,610.00. $1,600.00.